
Limbo PS Vita will be released next week

As promised. Double Fine has announced the development of a new turn-based strategy game Massive known as Chalice, they expect funding to support users through Kickstarter.El project was "inspired by classic tactical strategy as X-COM, Final Fantasy Tactics and Fire Emblem, as well as in all families of the nobility of Game of Thrones, "say the guys from Double Fine. "With these influences in mind we are creating an epic turn-based tactical game replayable where generations of heroes must fight against a demonic invasion." To finance their development needs $ 725,000. For now, have confirmed that the game will be released on buy rs gold PC, Mac and Linux.

The director of El Shaddai is done with the rights to the game. El Shaddai: Ascension of the father of interesting MetatronEl El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, which greatly noted for its fantastic art section has confirmed that it has acquired the publishing rights to the series to work on a future new video games based on the misma.En this regard, with his new development team known as Crim, the Japanese creative Takeyasu Sawaki has not finalized their plans for the series El Shaddai, although it has been reaffirmed in its intention to exploit the potential that lies behind this original action adventure plataformas.Se expected next August 12, when to formalize this agreement, Crim boys unveil their future plans for the series The Shaddai.

LimboYa become a huge success on other platforms, Playdead has confirmed that the outstanding Limbo also debut on PS Vita next June 5 at the price of 12.99 euros. Double Eleven team has been commissioned to adapt this original platform puzzle adventure to the PS Vita screen, preserving the the fantastic original art section. In this sense, its rpg game creators have confirmed that the game buy world of warcraft gold will not feature touch control options, as they have preferred to focus all their efforts on Limbo adapted to the dimensions of the screen portátil.

