
Chinese authorities for supporting Blizzard Entertainment

Chinese authorities for supporting Blizzard Entertainment. "Released to Battlefront IIThe Lucas Arts game developed by Pandemic Studios," Battlefront II "and is due for release, will gave , to November 1 to coincide with the DVD release of Episode III continued Battlefront StarWars.La (the best selling game in the Star Wars saga) incorporates many new features, highlighting the improvements in air battles or the possibility of a Jedi. sets and also include new environments never vistos.GTA: San Andreas edadTras changed its rating of the huge controversy raised last week by the existence of a mod for GTA:

San Andreas ( Hot Coffee) allowing hidden star in sex scenes in the game, the ESRB, qualifying agency for video games by age in the United States, has changed its rating of M (Mature) AO (Adults Only). Apparently, these scenes could be seen not only on PC, but also its console versions. To alleviate the possible decline in sales this may cause, Rockstar Games has decided to stop the current production title to prepare a new version protected to prevent changes "Hot Coffee" and allow them to regain the "M" rating. was expected to occur in the fourth quarter of this year. The compan , ed also made a patch for the PC version of the game that block these mini-games sexuales.

Como consequence of this situation, the ESRB will take a tougher position when qualifying games, and now require distributors sending all the content included in the final version of the game, even non-media accessible normales.Sigue the controversy over hidden sex scenes in San AndreasEl case of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and concealed erotic scenes in North America continues to raise blisters. Federal Trade Commission will begin an investigation into whether the producer deliberately misled Rockstar Games the E-SBR (qualifying agency for video games by age in the U.S.) in order to achieve a greater number of ventas.De dictaminarse guilty Rockstar could face a major multa.En a video game based development in the TV series "Friends" Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has announced the development of both PC and consoles "Friends: The One With All The Trivia", the first official video game of the popular series of televisió , n. As the name suggests, the game will be an extract of questions (over 3000) and small games based on the series.

